Get Involved

Join us in making a difference in Ensenada. Your support matters!

Prayer Partner Initiative

Your prayers are powerful and appreciated. Become a Prayer Partner and support our mission spiritually.

  • Sign up to receive monthly prayer requests
  • Commit to praying for specific projects or families
  • Receive updates on the impact of your prayers
Prayer partners

Monthly Giving

Join our Monthly Giving Initiative and make a sustainable impact on the lives of families in Ensenada. Your regular support helps us plan and execute long-term projects effectively.

Monthly Donation Impact
$25 Contributes to building materials for home construction or repair
$50 Helps provide tools and equipment for our construction projects
$100 Supports a family's housing needs for a month
$200 Funds a significant portion of a home renovation project
Impact of monthly donations

Our Commitment to Mission

At Ensenada Mission Foundation, we are dedicated to empowering local decision-making and providing flexible resources for community development. We aim to allocate the majority of our budget to mission-related activities while keeping administrative expenses to a minimum.

By leveraging volunteers, strategic partnerships, and efficient resource management, we maximize the impact of every dollar entrusted to us. Through the support of individual donors and churches, we build houses and support mission and outreach initiatives in Ensenada and surrounding areas.

Budget allocation: 90% mission-related activities, 10% administrative expenses

Share Your Story

Have you volunteered with us or been impacted by our work? Your story can inspire others!

  • Submit your experience with Ensenada Mission Foundation
  • Share how the mission has impacted your life
  • Help others understand the importance of our work
People sharing stories

Coming Soon

Sponsor a Project

Soon, you'll be able to sponsor specific projects in Ensenada. Whether it's a house build, a community center renovation, or an educational program, your sponsorship will make a direct and visible impact.

Supply Drive Campaigns

We're planning targeted supply drive campaigns to meet specific needs in Ensenada. Keep an eye out for opportunities to donate much-needed items.

Virtual Volunteering

We're exploring ways for supporters to contribute their skills remotely, from translation to graphic design and beyond.

Coming Soon

Contact Us

Want to suggest other ways to get involved? We'd love to hear your ideas!

Contact Us